One Year Finance Freedom Makeover

Enroll in the One Year Finance Freedom Makeover and...

  • Create 2 or more streams of passive income

  • Rewrite your brain by practicing and ingraining Financial Freedom Habits 

  • Change your lifestyle and create more free time for your dreams

Meal being cooked

No Matter If...

  • You are in debt and are living paycheck to paycheck

  • You have no idea how you are going to pay your bills, let alone save for your child's college education

  • You have a good education and a good job, but are embarrassed or afraid to even look at your finances

The Truth is...

  • You can become financially free no matter what kind of job you have or your educational background

  • The government is not going to be there to save you, and the schools are not going to educate your children on financial skills

  • You have to take charge of your financial life, and you can do it now

I understand what you are going through

Back in 2011 I owed over $41,000 in over 8 different credit cards and other personal debts.  At the time I worked at a bank and made less than $35,000/year before taxes.
I came to a low point where I was not able to pay my bills.  I studied tools and techniques from experts on Financial Freedom and I started implementing them.  
When I married my husband in 2012, he had over $250,000 in debt.   We were in the red over a quarter of a million dollars.
We had our son Jordan in 2013 and I knew that I wanted to be a better mother, and a role model for him.
By April 2016, we were completely debt free AND making almost $500/month in passive income from our investments AND had improved our Net Worth by half a million dollars!
I quit my job in December of 2016, became a full time Mommy and continued to work part time as an internet marketer. 
I also started Finance Freedom Mastermind - a program where I teach clients what I did to eliminate debt, create passive income and time freedom.
In 2017 we went on 5 weeks of vacation, including my dream of taking our first cruise...a 7 day trip to the Mexican Riviera.  We also bought our first property together in Waikiki.
We now own 2 properties in Waikiki, our home and an AirBnB business which employs my mother.
I am telling you my story to give you hope, and to show you how there are tools and techniques that you can use to become financially free.
I was a working mother.
I understand what it is like to go to a full time job, please your clients and a demanding boss, then come home and take care of a baby...all while not getting much sleep at all at night.
I understand what it's like to have to stay home because your child is sick, and then you and your husband catches the cold and you're all paying for medical bills.
I understand what it's like to have your son ask you to play with him, and all you want to do is sleep...and to feel my heart breaking as I realize that I MUST be a better mother before it is too late!
I lived what you are going through and I chose to live my dream life instead.
I now go on dates with my husband every week.
I have plenty of sleep, I do what I love and I enjoy my time playing with my son.
I am happy that I am treasuring my motherhood, that I'm there for my husband and that our family is healthy, active and we HAVE FUN TOGETHER ON A DAILY BASIS.
I want you to have the same free and healthy lifestyle, and I have the method to give you real results even if you have a truly busy life.
The steps are easy to follow, designed especially for the busiest people on the planet - working parents.
Meal being cooked

The One Year Finance Freedom Makoever Includes


- Recorded 40 minute Finance Freedom mastermind sessions of the February 2017 - January 2018 Finance Freedom Mastermind members sent straight to your e-mail inbox every week for 1 year


- One year access to weekly live Q & A online office hour for any questions, to check in or just listen to discussions with a finance freedom coach and other members


- Online tracking sheets and materials, as well as special bonus videos on how to track all of your financials


How To Enroll in The One Year Finance Freedom Makeover


Step #1 - Press the Get Instant Access button below and Enroll


Step #2 - Look in your e-mail for your first recorded mastermind lesson


Step #3 You will be invited on the weekly live online Q & A office hour with a finance freedom coach 


See What Others Are Saying About Mey

Woman cooking lunch
Alecia, Single Mom & Business Owner

When I first started working with Mey, I couldn't pay my own rent, didn't have enough money for basic food and was worried about losing my car.

I didn't know what my Net Worth was or how to calculate it, and I didn't have the discipline to save or invest money.

I now have savings, investments that make passive income and a thriving business.  

Mother with son baking
Jordan (6yr old student) & Jomel (Hospital Manager)

Jordan - It was the best day ever when my Mommy let me cash my own check and spend my own money.  (Jordan makes over $40/month in passive income and growing)


Jomel - When I married Mey I didn't know what passive income was.  Now I pay myself investment money every month.   More importantly, I have time to volunteer and serve the community through my work and also through our businesses.

Couple making dinner
Kenny, Owner of Smart Clean LLC

Thanks to Mey, I have over $10,000 in my Financial Freedom Account and I'm not worried about finances during this Covid economic slow down. 

I quit my job and started my own growing business, and also purchased my first investment property which is a profitable AirBnB business.

I also pay myself my passive income and am glad for the constant push to increase my investment income.

Barbara Blanco (Owner of Sistah Girl Desserts)

It is time to make your decision to get started

When I got started learning the tools and techniques for Financial Freedom I paid over $40,000 in trainings, seminars, books and materials.
Now that we've been using the steps and investing in our financial freedom, we make and have been making $5,000/year in passive income.
We've been paying ourselves passive income for over 10 years now, so all the information that I learned has earned us over $50,000 so far.
That makes my $40,000 investment in my education well worth the money.
I've seen 3 day weekends at a mentor's private house sold for $40,000 easily.
However, I don't want to charge you $40,000 because I want to open the mastermind to as many people as possible.
Plus, I'm not going to house you, feed you or fly you to our home in Hawaii.
Since the mastermind is online and already recorded, I can reduce the price considerably.
So I think the discounted price of $25,000 is reasonable to get the training that I've found invaluable in creating the lifestyle I love!!!
You also get a recording of a weekly mastermind program with real mastermind members, the February 2017 session which ended in January of 2018. 
I pay these members royalties for use of their recordings.
You also get 1 hour access to me and other high end financial freedom coaches every week online to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
This program is designed for maximum results, and to create a new level of habits that will support your financial freedom in the years following.
However, I do understand that recent events have many families struggling just to pay for the basics.
And this program is designed to help those who were unprepared for this recent global downturn and it's financial consequences.
So it will not cost you our regular price of $25,000 to get access to this program.
A fair price would be $10,000. 
Think about you want to feel this same financial pain every time there is an economic collapse? 
How are you going to pay for your child's education? 
Don't you want to go forward instead of backward? 
$10,000 is a mere drop in the pond, and worth it when in return you get to change your financial future for good. 
Don't you want to change your focus from what you don't want, to what you do want? 
Don't you want to live your dream life?
You may not think it's possible but I'm telling you that it is possible. 
I am living proof that the system works, and that you can learn it and change your financial future for the better. 
But I'm going to do something that will astound you.  I'm not going to charge you $10,000.
For a limited time, I've decided to offer this program for just $397/month!!!  
That's right, you get to study the recordings at your own pace. 
Understand that when I say limited I truly mean that.
Currently we have room on our live weekly online Q & A office hour for more clients.
However, as you can imagine, a coach can only take on so many clients...and coaches are a rare and special breed. 
Coaches are investors that make and pay themselves passive income. 
They do not need to coach you, and yet they choose to because they want to give back in a meaningful way.
Coaches take your progress seriously and are willing to take the time to help you.
If you've ever been a coach or a leader you understand what a challenge this is.
I want you to understand this though - you are worth the time and energy.
Once you make the commitment your coach will do everything in their power that is legal and ethical to make you Financially Free.  
Think about your life right now. 
Were you prepared for the inflation and shortages we are facing? 
Do you have other income streams available besides your job which you may have lost? 
Do you feel confident and secure in your finances?
Do you feel happy with your lifestyle?
Do you spend quality time with your family and friends?
Do you go on dates with your husband or wife?
Do you truly enjoy what you are doing with your life?
If the answer is yes then great!  
But if you aren't, then take the time to enroll in the One Year Finance Freedom Makeover right now. 
The clock is ticking and you need to act fast to get an available coach.
Click the Get Instant Access Button below, pay the $397, and get started now.